Thursday, March 31, 2011

Theory - Marxism and Literature :-


The language, written in an artistic way so as to be able to affect the mind of a man is known as liteature.

Major Things related with Literature : -

As regards the literature, it is necessary to think about the following things : -

What can we expect from the literature ?
Which literature can take the favour of hungry and penniless people ?
What type of literature is progressive ?

Factuality/Objectivity : -

As far as this topic is concerned, it is really objective/factual. But it is not subjective/personal. so, it has included true and weighty facts. In this sense, it seems to be natural to be the lack of statement and originality.

Contradictory Materialism :-

Specially, the great philosopher of the 21st century is Karl Marx, who can shake the world by means of thought. According to his view, 'Contradictory Materialism' is the weapon of proletariat group to be used for fighting against bourgeois.

Likewise, art-literature is also the important weapon of group-struggle. Litertature must be able to protest against the persons, who take possession of belongings, building the foundation for the people, who are struggling for existence and making the public wakeful.

Marxism and Social Structure : -

While talking about the Marxism, it is necessary to analyze about social structure. Indeed , social structure can be chiefly classfied into two categories in Marxist view-point. They are as follows:-


Contemporary economic and social activities are included in base-structure.

Likewise , contemporaneous religon, justice, education, thought, literature and art are included under the super-structure.

Philosophers before Marx:-

According to the philosophers before Marx, a person thinks on the basis of social super-structure or the thought of a person is also moving forward in that way in proportion to the justice, religon, education, thought, literature and art. Their thought was truly centered in the fact that it can be changed in base-structure by improving in super-structure.

Karl Marx:-

But on the contrary, Marx, who was a popular thinker and philosopher, properly reversed this idea and moved his idea forward in following ways:-

Thought of a person is the product of base-structure and his thinking moves forward according to his socio-economic context. so, it is inevitable to destroy base-structure to bring change in the consciousness of a person.
The development of super-structure, related with education, religon, justice, thought, art and literature etc is not possible without growing the person in economic and social level.

Marx's Opinion:-

According to Marx's view, the sense of a man can't determine his social life but his social life determines his sense.

Personal Consciousness as the Product of Social Context:-

In reality, it is difficult to emerge the writers, who can present the great thinking by raising beyond that social context from the community of victims and poor people. As a result, super-structure can't be established so as to be represented their life-feelings and sufferings in actual sense.

Progressive Writers:-

As regards the progressive writers, the following questions will get the satisfactory or correct answer:-

Why is it not suitable for the progressive writers to write the literature, especially, full of sex according to the wishes of people ?
why are those rights, related with bourgeois litrature the products of socio-economic structure of contemporary society ?

In this sense, it is not certainly right to be active to fulfill the aspirations, created by that system, which we want to change because it is not meaningful for the progressive writers to wander the subject-matters like personal obstruction, praise, sadness, Godly marvel and sex etc. Therefore, they must be able to stand in the scientific horizon of reality and behaviour by feeling the cries and challenges of all penniless people.

Group-Struggle for the Fixed Period :-

The literature is not suited to all the time like bourgeois because it is the reflection of group-struggle, concerning the struggle between the rich and the poor for the fixed period of history.

Other Marxist Reviewers:-

Like Karl Marx, there are other commentators. Among them, Makery is also familiarized as a Marxist commentator. He rejects the concept that the writer, who emerges the origin of literature fluently and voluntarily, is the main source of literature for the romantic personale. According to his view, writer is only a producer, who creates a literary work by providing the raw materials like language, tradition, literary genre, idealism and reality etc, available in society and this must be useful for the group-struggle and groupless society or literature is not for literature but for society.

According to American Marxist reviewer, Federick Jonson, politics is unknowingly reflected in literature. Similarly, to the view of Hungarian great thinker, Luckas, literature must reveal the contradictory structure of society in graceful form by means of creative craftsmanship of the writer.

Review of Marxistic Theory :-

The reviewing of Marxist theory has rapidly taken a good shape during the period of some decades. As a result of this, the things like openess, literary analysis, other prevailing critical perspectives and flexibility etc have also started to occupy the space in Marxistic review.

According to the understanding of reviewers of these fields, the theory of Marxistic comment is not a set of realities, suited to all the time but it is the process of developing with the time to some extent or it is the process of clarfying thought, emerged in literature.

Works as the Literary Discussion:-

Indeed Teri Egalton is regarded as one of the notable Marxist reviewers of England. According to his view-point, literary compositions change the contemplative discussion into literary discussion, therefore, literature is extremely proved to be useful to spread thought and achieve political achievements according to the wishes.

Theory of Marxism:-

Marxism has not given the right to others to use the product of labour without making labour except pregnant, old people and disabled persons. Therefore, writer is also a labourer, who uses his labour in literary production and that literature plays a transformational role for the society.

Radical Change in Society : -

In context of bringing radical change in society, Marx has emphasized in the fact that the philosophers have only described the world in different ways but the major thing is to change the world.

Senseless Thought :-

The concept, which is based on the fact that the literature must be patched up in politics forever is certainly idiotic. It is truly to entangle in the stated opportunities to be ruined by sinking into the capitalistic culture and forgetting the cries of oppressed groups/persons and victimizing to the offerings of rich people in the pretension of moving forward with the time and making practical. Specially, the progressive writers must clarify and depict the contradictory realities between the exploiters and exploited groups in literature rapidly and lively.

Behaviour, Labour, Application & Production : -

While analyzing the Marxism, it is contextual to follow the following Marx's concept as well : -

We should go forward by joining the principle with behaviour, sense with labour, study with application and skill with production.